7 days before the first rental day our company need to know details of pick up appointment (hour, place, number phone of customer and/or accommodation address and contacts).
Details of the drop off appointment (return of rented equipment) can be planned without problems during the rental period.
This necessity was introduced because our company need to plan week by week the logistics activities, normally we receive 5-8 bike rental requests/day with pick up and return of bikes in whole Italian country, also in different cities.
Our planning activities give us the opportunity to pick up and collect our bikes in time, under appointment, in whole Italy (and on demand in Slovenia, Croatia and Austria)
If the customers give us the required "pick up information" only 1 or 2 working day before the rental period, our company don't can guarantee the delivery in time or at worst the supply activities required at booking .
I believe that our potential customers will understand our corporate necessities, required for give best quality on our services.
Jerry de Concilio