
The testimony of our customer

Hello Gennaro,

I am in Napoli & the bike is in the box & ready for pick up anytime today. I really enjoyed my trip & the bike worked very well without any problems. I cycled the Amalfi coast, The Calabrian coast from Rossarno to Reggio & most of the Sicilian coast as that's where the best weather was. I will send you photos of me & the bike when I get back to Canada.

Can you please let me know if courier can pick up the bike today as the manager wants to know what time so someone can be here. If I know an approximate time then I will stay at the hotel & give the bike to courier.

Thanks again for your help & service in making my cycling vacation a positive one. I definitely will come back again & cycle the places I missed this time. I hope to rent a bike from you again.

